Sunday, April 16, 2017

Physical Development Lesson Plan

FS 3663
 Marie Christine Nduwimana

Date and time:  4/14/17

Subject Area:
Physical Development
Title of Activity: Pizza Restaurant
1,2,3,4,or 5

TEKS or Texas PreK Guidelines: VIII.C.1.   Child creates or recreates stories, moods, or experiences through dramatic representations.

Behavioral Objectives: (5 to 7 words; strong action verbs)

  1. The child will be able to:  know the recipes

  1. The child will be able to: read receipts
  2. The child will be able to: count money and  changing
  3. The child will be able to: know how to make pizza
  4. The child will be able to: make order
  5. The child will be able to: know that they have to pay for pizza

Vocabulary: (words which may be new to some children)

2. Topping
3.  Shapes

Literacy Materials:  Pizza Patron Restaurant signs, Kinds of pizza, prices, cash, gift cards, credit cards, debit cards, pencils and low slips for children to use.

Other Materials:
  • Plates
  • Folks and spoons
  • Paper towers
  • Water caps
  • Register station
  •  Uniforms (cookers and cash registers)
  • Pizza boxes
  • Drinks
  • Trash cans 
  • Chairs and tables

Location:  Dramatic play center
Group Size: 6-8
Approximate Time: 30 to 45 minutes

Opening Transition: Do you know that there are different types of pizza?

Do you know why people like pizza?

Did you eat pizza before?

Do you know where people go to buy pizza?

Closing Transition: Tine to put all materials back

Clean up time

Let we put all materials away.

We finish to make our pizza, now it is time to clean up

Hello every one, let us clean

Open-ended Questions, to be used before (B), during (D), and/or after (A) the activity itself:

(B)  What materials do we need to make pizza?
(D) What other things you can see at pizza restaurants?
(A) What other kinds of pizza can we find in   pizza restaurant?

Procedure: (Set-up before, how the teacher will introduce, what the children will do,

                        how the activity will end)

  1. Prepare question to ask the children: Who made pizza before? Where can we find pizza flavors?
  2. Have all materials on the propitiate place.
  3.  Introduce the names of materials to the children, by teaching the children the name of each material. (New vocabulary to them). Make them to repeat all the names of the materials they are going to use during activity
  4. Teach the children how to ready recipes.
  5.  Tell children the roles will be involving in activity and ask them to choose their roles
  6.  Tell them that the roles they have today during this activity can be change other day
  7. When it is almost a time to end the activity, start timing them. By telling children this, hey we have five minute to finish up our activity.
  8. Remind them when they have 2 minutes left.
  9. Start to count when it one minute left and say we finish our game now!
  10. Ask after questions: who can tell me the size of the pizza we made? What kind of pizza we made during our activity?
  11. Ask them if they liked the activity.
  12. Tell them that you liked how they did it.
  13.  Tell children to put materials in appropriate place.
  14. Tell them that we have to clean up.
  15. Thank them that they have done a great job.
  16.  Now you are free to choose other activities.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Centers and Materials in Early Chilhood Classroom

The centers and materials should be in early childhood classroom and the ways these centers should be organized
1.      Science center

Science center has to have materials for children to use when they are studying about science. As we can see on those pictures, children are using their science materials to explore their science knowledge.

2.      Art center

This is the area where children get chances to drew or paint on different pictures. This area must have many colors of markers, pencils, crayons and papers for children to use. Children like to use different colors when they are painting. Children develop different skills when they are at this center. They use their physically and mentality when they are at art center area.
3. Dramatic Center
Each classroom in early childhood classroom should have dramatic play area because they learn many things at this area. This area has to have different uniforms for different adults’ duties.   Teachers should put clothes from different cultures for boys and girls. Put different materials for different occupations. Children develop their social skills when they are playing dramatic paly. Children practice in adults’ activities by playing.

4. Cooking center

When children given chances to be at cooking center they learn many things such as:  measurements, how to read recipes, and how to cook different food. Children learn about measurements while they are at cooking center area. Children have to measure the sugar, water or salt to put at this amount of food.
5. Sand and Water center

When children have sand and water at their classroom, they get change to explore their physical development. Children play with sand and water are practicing eye, hand coordination and get opportunities to using their fine motor skills by doing different activities. For example, children can do scoop, silt, funnel and pour at this center. All those are very important things to the children’s development.

6.Manipurative center
At manipulative center, children learn how to count. They learn math in many ways when they are at this center. They can do addition, division and substation at manipulative center. They use materials they have at manipulative center to play and to learn mathematics without using papers or pencils.

7. Library center         
 Library center at early childhood classroom is very important in many ways. This area is where children learn how to read. Children know that when they are at library they have to have “low voices” not to talk to each other. Children get chance to choose what books to read while they are at library. Most of the times, teachers can read different stories to the children while they are at library, or let each child reads by his or her (self). If children have library center at their classroom, they know that this place helps them how to read.

8. Bocks center

Blocks is very important to the children’s growth. When children are playing with blocks, they can build different things by using blocks. When children are playing with blocks, they develop their learning in many domains. Such as: intellectually, physical, and social- emotional and language. Researches have proved that blacks play is fundamental for later cognitive success for learning math and numbers. Children can count how many blocks they put together when they are building different things. Children can say how many blocks they need in order to make certain objects etc. These are the best ways to learn mathematics for younger children.

 At this classroom with all those centers and that organization children will lean many things in each center.  This classroom will be for children of 3-6 years old.  Two children will share center. Each center will have to have materials for children with special need. For example autistic books, created by different roads, and   timers, counters and visual supports. Children learning by see and touching, this is the reason why each classroom should have many center and many materials.

Gordon, A. M. & Browne, K. W. (2017). Beginnings and beyond: Foundations in early  childhood education (10th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Assessment Project

                                                Assessment Project

Rating: A YES /NO Checklist

Motor Skills Observation (4 years) child

Child named Brendon

Date: February 21, 2017

 Observer   Christine Nduwimana.

Time: 4 pm

1.Open Juice

2.Get food

3.Put food on table

4.Take away plate after eating

5.Eat with spoon/ folk



1.Put shoes on


3.Uses both hands


Fine Motor

1.Use pincer grasp with ,pencil, brushes

2.Drawing straight lines

3.draw circles

4.Cut at least 2” in line

5.Make designs

6.Build tower of 6-9 blocks

 7.Turn pages singly

 Gross Motor


2.Stand on one foot

2.Hops on two feet

4.Catches ball

5.Ride tricycle

When I was doing this observation with Brendon, I had do check “yes” to the areas where he is very good in his motor skills developmental and “no” where he still needs some improvements on. After all I have find out that he still needs some practice in many games where he will have to use his muscles.

Goals:  I will like to tell his parents to see if they can provide materials that can engage him to use hands to promote more motor skills. Simple small tools that he is interested using with. Monitor what he likes to do the most to determine his interest. This will help him to get some improvement on those areas where he is not known how to do it by know.

The examples of these materials can be: beads and tread, sand and play-doh. Parents can kelp him to plastic about how to unbutton his clothes, he can get how to do it by many practices.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

About me

I am Christine Nduwimana, I am majoring in Child Development at Texas Women’s University (TWU). I was born and raised in East African (Burundi). I have 2 sisters and 2 bothers. Now, I live in Dallas TX.  Since I was younger, my dreams were to work with families with different cultures and background. This is the reason why I choose to be in Child Development major. I personal believe that this will give me chances to work with the families. I am able to speak Kirundi, Kinyarwanda, Swahili, and Some French and English I wish I can be able to speak more languages more than these.

I am Christine Nduwimana, I am majoring in Child Development at Texas Women’s University (TWU). I was born and raised in East African (Burundi). I have 2 sisters and 2 bothers. Now, I live in Dallas TX.  Since I was younger, my dreams were to work with families with different cultures and background. This is the reason why I choose to be in Child Development major. I personal believe that this will give me chances to work with the families. I am able to speak Kirundi, Kinyarwanda, Swahili, and Some French and English I wish I can be able to speak more languages more than these.